Well, Carter's reading now. And we're really happy about that. I'm so proud of him for all he's learning. We're also learning the multiplication tables this summer (we're nearly to the 6's). But there is a downside to having a child who can read. He zoned in on the Chuck-E-Cheese ad in Sunday's paper in no time and his math skills helped him to realize that the coupon which was a part of the ad really meant that we couldn't afford NOT to go to Chuck-E-Cheese. I mean, really, a large pizza, four drinks and 30 tokens for $19.99 - who wouldn't jump at the chance? OK so we went last night and two of the four of us had a blast.
Here they are pictured with ChuckE. So do you think that this mean that we lose the parent-of-the-year award? Again?
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging... and thanks for giving me an opportunity to learn some wonderful things from you. I will take all the help I can get.
So I took Henry and Svea to Chuck E Cheese for the first time against all my better judgement last week. Svea sat in a high chair and ate a bagel, while Henry ran maniacally in circles and then locked all his joints and squealed over and over. Hmmm.
Then today we drove BY a PICTURE of the stupid mouse and Henry started yelling, "Chuck E Cheese!"
I surrender.
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