Friday, March 02, 2007

Mixed Blessings

I don't know whether to be proud or mortified.

Carter received a good deal of money for his birthday on February 3, which he promptly put into his savings account. I'm not sure where he learned that, because he has more in savings that we do. So he's been thinking about what to do with all that money and early this week, he figured it out. He wanted to get Graham his own ipod.

You may remember that Carter purchased his own ipod last summer with money he earned after a holding a garage sale with all the stuff he cleaned out of his room before painting it. Well, ever since, Graham has admired Carter's electronic gadget and wanted one of his own.

So we went to Best Buy yesterday (after they got out of school because of bad weather but before it got really bad) and Carter bought Graham an ipod shuffle.

I'm so proud of Carter's generosity but I'm a little disturbed at his eagerness for consumerism. But I just had to laugh when last night Graham disappeared for a while and I found him rocking out in his room with his new ipod.

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