Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rites of Passage

I knew it would happen one day - I just wasn't prepared for it today.

As I'm folding laundry and putting it away, I look out the window onto the back patio and Carter and Graham have dismantled a piece of their childhood. They've been playing with our neighbor friend Josh and they've decided it would be great fun to tie a big rope around one of their bikes and drag the little red Radio Flyer wagon behind the bike. That would actually be a good idea if said wagon hadn't been outside for, I don't know, three years, exposed to the elements. Yep, it's barely hanging together and the slightest bike ride uphill pulls the wagon apart.

I suppose I should be happy that the boys are not falling apart with grief at the destruction of their wagon. Oh no, they see this as an opportunity to transform it into something new. So they go back to Josh's house, find two cans of spray paint (orange and blue) and when I catch a glimpse of them out the window, they are well on their way to creating some bastardized folk art, or something...

I could almost feel a little piece of childhood slip away.

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